
The Undertaker's Testimony

A Cultural Shift Arrives In The Wrestling World

From a cultural standpoint, The Undertaker endorsing DJT is huge.

First off, we need to acknowledge that about 85% of the wrestling community are far left brainwashed liberals who understand nothing outside of their neat little comfort zones. (I say this as a wrestling fan, btw.)

Second, Mark Callaway (The Undertaker) is arguably one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

So - when these leftist hoards have to sit back and witness 2 of the biggest wrestling stars of their lifetimes (Hogan and Undertaker) endorse Trump, it is gonna cause some serious cognitive dissonance and screeching. Exactly as we saw after the Hogan endorsement, and it is the same thing we are seeing after The Undertaker's endorsement.

The WWE has a VERY large fanbase. The company is worth billions, and every week they reach millions on TV and tens of thousands in person.

My point? As with the wokitude in Star Wars - Wrestling fans need a swift kick in the ass in order to wake up to the corrupt world of make believe they've ensconced themselves in.

This video? It highlights another reason the left is attacking The Undertaker - it isn't just that he is a legend and his word carries weight, it is also that we are in the midst of a spiritual war, and he is a devout Christian.

Here is 5 minutes of The Undertaker giving his testimony.

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