I think it finally makes sense to me...This is what is meant by fighting: When I was employed as a nurse and the shot became a "mandate", I was one of a few people who said "no". When it came down to losing our jobs, I was the only one left standing who refused and did indeed lose my job.

When you talk about fighting, this is it...if everyone would have "fought", said no, they would not have been able to pull it off. We absolutely need every one of us to fight, or at least the majority, that's how we win. Numbers matter. Humans stand up for each other, don't give in. Louise

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Aug 9Edited

I was unemployed at the time, I saw the Big Lie being sold during the pandemic and how it took hold over those around me, a true mind virus.

I tried my best to warn them not to take the shots, I tried my best to present evidence and to persuade them it was very risky. I failed...

In my circle of my now former friends I only convinced two people to pause and consider, and those two eventually succumbed, one because of threats of divorce if he didn't comply with his wife's demands to get vaxxed(he only took one initial shot while his now ex-wife have taken all the shots and the boosters and given their daughter the full course as well).

Another friend fell to the pressure of social isolation, she and her daughter took the initial Pfizer shot so they wouldn't be locked out of social events and venues.

She had a bad reaction within a week and told the healthcare practitioners about it, they dismissed it was being minor and kept pushing for her to get the 2nd shot to be "fully protected".

When I heard about it I almost wanted to scream, I spent an hour on the phone telling her not to get the second shot, at all!

I barely manage to convince her and she stopped as well as stopping at one shot for her daughter. So now 3 years down the line she's still suffering from some persistent health issues she's never had before, her daughter hasn't had any ill effect so far, thank God.

Sorry for the long story but I fought for others, I tried hard despite the ridicule and social isolation, the price I paid was to lose almost all my friends, I'm that "conspiracy nut, anti-vaxxer" they whisper about, I was banned from their social circles for being health risk to them and their families.

I tried to make them seen the evil in those they trusted and I was mocked and ridiculed for it.

I've written them off, they've made their choice, the only ones I feel bad for are their children who didn't have a choice.

Now with the talk of bird-flu and monkeypox, they again line up like the obedient sheep they are asking for more the same poison.

I no longer care what happens to them, they still revile me and tell those around them I'm crazy and to stay away from me, fine I'm happy with that as well, when the Reaper calls don't call me asking for help...

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Exactly, standing firm on true principles will always bring with it a separation. "They" go that way, we do not.

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Same here, my wife refused and lost her very well paying job, it was the main income of our household and the support of the business that we were building. But we understood the lies behind the psyop and how it did not make any sense.

But after four years, who is looking smart and healthy…..why….because we did pray and pray and came to the conclusion that GOD is not into confusion and the whole world was afraid of something that nobody could see.

In my mind the first thing that I remember when they started talking about quarantines it was.

“Greater is the one that lives in me, than any other thing that surrounds me, Do Not Fear BECAUSE I AM WITH YOU “

BTW. All of my wife coworkers at the hospital that did complied are now either out or sick or both.

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My life took the same path as yours Paul: "In all of those instances - the most fearful of my life .. I didn’t know what to do. So I prayed. And sure enough, without fail, and right on time - I was blessed with exactly what I needed, when I needed in order to handle all of those situations."

Thanks for this article, getting right with the Lord is #1.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Great message Paul! True hope is much much real than hopium, and that's what you're espousing here. God bless you brother 🙏

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Your words sent chills down my spine....so true, so inspired. God is with you - I know it. When you hear the truth you know it. Pastor from my congregation Is of the same mindset. Unity is the key.

Let’s pray for the fresh measure of a Holly Spirit given to us, so we can stand fearlessly against the enemy.

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Hopium is the deadliest drug on the planet. It gives people delusions of a savior coming to save them. It makes people falsely believe that they are awake. It makes people believe that they're destroying a cult that's hundreds of years old, in 8 years! 🤣

Hopium is a very debilitating drug.

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Good thing I don’t spew hopium. Shits gonna get real, and folks better be prepared. Like I’ve said a million times on Eye Of The Storm: A thousand year old death cult isn’t just gonna say “welp, they caught us! We may as well pack it up!”. Nope. These fuckers have their backs against a wall and that makes them more dangerous than ever. They are a caged animal. They arent going down without sowing utter chaos first.

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This poster " the coward" might not even be human, but a bot, or a clueless greedy troll. They like to also say, Vote harder. We will vote out the traitors and follow the Constitution. I think they fear us, not the other way around. Trump is 10 for 10 in Arizona and Tennessee!

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It's a fine line between hopium and the Black Pill both of which are dangerous when consumed in large quantities.

I don't buy into many of the common scenarios out there like nuclear war, another deadly pandemic or full fledged civil war happening.

Chaos can take many forms, some as simple as a disruption in critical infrastructure or supply chains, doesn't mean a total crash of the economy with whole cities on fire or thousands of Chinese soldiers appearing out of the woodwork.

Fear is the weapon of the Cabal and I've seen too many people in the Truther community do the work of the Cabal and spreading it around.

Anons especially tend to forget the clues and hints which have been left behind by not only by the Q team but Q+ as well. I do believe there is a broad script playing out here and people need to exercise both patience and discernment as well as courage to face these next few months.

And no I don't buy into the scenario that some grifters in the Truther community are selling, that these troubles will last at least a decade and that we've been betrayed by Trump who has already sold us out and we're on our own.

Speaking of which, Trump is many things, he can be blustery, rude, crude, condescending and arrogant towards those he doesn't respect.

But on thing he hasn't been... a liar.

The bullet just missing him but wounding him in the ear wasn't staged by mortal means and too many Christians don't recognize a miracle when they see one happening in front of their faces. Whether Christians believe in signs and portents or not this symbol at the rally should be enough to tell you who's in charge of this operation and it's not Trump.


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Faith. Hope. Love. Knock the dust off of your sandals. o7

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Apparently you commented without even skimming this very well written truth. Pity.

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I'm 72, I've known about the Deep State since 1963. Nothing Q said was a wake up call to those of us who lived through the last 61 years!! It just took a business man, not a politician to bring it to light and that's why they are trying to stop him because like me, he's lived the past 61 years and knows exactly what he is dealing with and who. Q was for Gen X, Y, Millenniums and Gen Z because apparently from what I see on X, these kids were not taught much about US History, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights and a lot of other things!!

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Wow Abs, that was a great uplifting message. I feel like a mud pit Jew in the movie The Ten Commandments, churning and mixing the mud while a slave in Egypt. Lol. Slogging along every day. But they endured and LOOKED UP. And I will too!

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Very well said, thank you. Two things went through my mind while reading this. 1) there are going to be many people who want to shared this, but won't because they are afraid a few "bad words" might offend someone. 2) if those people this is shared with are offended by a few "bad words", then they won't read it because they are afraid it makes them less Christian to do so. Either way, fear wins and they lose the whole point of the article. Not only are they missing the forest for the trees, they are missing the trees for the bark.

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You left out meditation. Jesus commanded us to meditate over 40 times. If you want specific instructions on exactly what to do, for your particular scenario, meditation is the key.

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Life is full when your faith is overflowing. I love your message, me, 71 years I won't bore with details, I know without faith and prayer, this life in this world can be overwhelming. Thanks for the encouraging read. Made my whole day💯🔥

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I agree with every word. During the darkest time in my life I found my mantra and it's served me well!

"Faith is to believe what you cannot see and the reward for that faith is to see what you believed ". God already won with Jesus. The battle is the Lords but we are required to the battlefield and this is what this is all about! Romans 16:20 "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet"

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Well said, my friend.....the perfect message at the perfect time! Honored to be in this fight with you, brother!

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I wish I had the confidence in the Q posts as you guys do. I followed the Anon's back in the beginning but then once WE were cheated out of the election, not a peep again from Q! You can make anything come true if you believe in it long enough. I think you guys mold the drops into YOUR thinking and then pass it off as what Q was saying because each Anon, had their own interpretation of each post. Taking posts from 7 years ago and making them come true today is quite a stretch and please explain the very first post about Hillary and don't tell she has been in prison all this time and the person we see is not who we know it to be. I'm glad you are comfy but I am far from it and no mysterious Q is changing my mind. I'll wait until this "movie" as you call it is over and then we all we'll see and I will sing your praises but until November 6th, I am holding my breath on EVERYTHING!

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It's okay to be skeptical. But I'm sure you have seen how this Great Awakening was started by the Q drops, and has now been transferred to us to complete the mission.

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I saw how it began....then stopped 4 years ago, so no I don't see how it has been transformed except in the minds of some Anons! Like I said, each Anon had their own interpretations of what the posts said, no one really knows who or what it was if it was real of fake, so I'm more than skeptical.

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Fair enough, and honest. One can simply ignore anything "Q", and look at all the events that have taken place, the 8 years of attacks on Trump, in or out of office, and see that we are definitely in a war with the deep state. As Paul said, we are not using deadly weapons, but the weapon of truth. We have exposed the evil cabal for what they are. They have already lost, as long as we stand firm.

But be prepared, as Paul said, they are cornered animals.

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So beautifully written. Thank you!

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Wow! I don’t know what your company did Sir? But God helped you find your true calling! You are the truest of warriors! I have had an issue with religions since 16 you summed that up very well. The out fighting & infighting. Massive years have gone by, my thoughts of keeping the relationship with God has always been strong. Taught my special daughter, now 35 lives with us. She has that same relationship with God. Her prayers are visits to heaven. 🙏🏻

Husband of 39 yrs accepted Jesus & baptized 4 yrs ago! Yay, 36 yr Prayer answered!

Thank you & God Bless! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Thank you so much for standing with me and others who are sure this is the Cosmic moment we have all waited for, set to happen in a blink of an eye, only if we are the best versions of ourselves and that comes from our connection to the CREATION, ALL OF CREATION, as ONE!

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