What a tumultuous journey you have had ~ you made me cry. I cried because of your tragedies, your strength of perseverance, your herculean efforts to overcome your addictions and being able to share your personal story with thousands of people. I admire you for sharing your vulnerabilities ~ not an easy feat by any measure.

I am so thankful for you and your talents. You are appreciated. Sincerely, Sunny_Day

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Wow!! Praise God!! You were made for such a time as this. God has been preparing you your whole life. God bless you and your family 🙏

Keep up the awesome work!!

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I have the feeling the decision to give us this article now is not entirely yours. It's inspiration is needed by someone, right now, and next week, month, years. Now, more than ever maybe- there are some people out there who will have their own lives changed for better, after having read this.

It's one thing to go back and review the unpleasantness of one's life and see how it lead to bigger and better things. It's completely different thing to remember that while you are in the midst of pain, suffering or trauma that "this to shall pass" and brighter days are ahead.

Well done, young man. Thank you.

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God bless you, son. I’m your Mom’s age. No doubt she’s watching over you, and I’m sure she’s so very proud of you.

It takes big ones to tell your story like you did, and I’d bet your experience, strength, and hope will save someone out there. Keep up the great work! P.S. I too was born in Charlotte. My husband’s kin fought at King’s Mountain where some died. You’re not alone as we face life’s challenges and continue our fight for freedom. And it’s okay to stumble. Just get back up. That’s what we do. I didn’t write this as well as you write; I nutshelled it. You get the drift tho. Stay strong, you and your bride, and Never Give Up. 🇺🇸♥️

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Oh my, Absolute, this entire read gave me chills. I understand about PTSD, accidents, surgeries, pain medication, and trying to numb myself. My “awakening” occurred in 2016 right after a major skiing accident that left me with a ruptured ACL and the most painful experience, physically, I’ve ever had. God bless you, your family, and everyone that has helped shape you into the amazing person you are today! “My heart, Bubby, My heart” definitely made me cry. Thank you! You help so many people in ways you can’t begin to imagine ♥️

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Amazing story and amazingly written/told/LIVED! God bless YQU and thankQ for all you do!

Life is hard; life is messy ~ but, by Fully Relying On God 🐸, ABSOLUTE(1776)-ly (😉) ANYthing IS possible. You are a true testament of His work.

H/T, Good Sir!



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There are no coincidences why President Trump gave me Q security clearance four years ago. I spent painful and sleepless nights, researching and digitally archiving, all the "declassified" information. It took courage exposing a worldwide, demonic trafficking/pedophile ring involving the Vatican, government swamp, hollywood and royal family. The news articles trashing "QAnon" are intentional and disinformation.The"fake" news media knows, I exposed all the names, of government "swamp," and hollywood "elites," in Epstein's flight log. They also know, I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms, of Epstein island, caught on security camera ch11. The "swamp"all got caught and I have everything. You are watching the biggest coverup in USA history. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or a domestic terrorist. I have never been to the capitol building or a MAGA rally. I suffer with the most painful disease known to mankind (RSD/CRPS) I've endured twenty three years of chronic pain, and trauma surgeries, requiring 'many' units of blood. I exposed the drug "andrenochrome" derived from adrenalized blood. It took courage exposing all the demons and nothing can stop what is coming. There were many in hollywood and government who worshiped the pagan god moloch(satan) This wasn't about democrat vs republican. I have been viciously attacked and persecuted for exposing the truth.My face book account was targeted,restricted and deactivated. I was silenced on social media. This truly is a 'silent' holy war of good vs evil. The "swamp" got caught and I have everything.President Trump (Q+) told me to trust the plan and justice was coming 🦁🇺🇸 John 3:16 _Revelations 5:5

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God bless you Absolute. You really got me at "My Heart" All the best to you & your beloved family.

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What a beautiful and brave thing you did by sharing your story. I, like many, was brought to tears. You have triumphed over much adversity, and still remain steadfast in your resolve and faith. You are an inspiration to us all. Praying peace and prosperity, joy and Blessing on you and yours. 💕

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A very moving testimonial Absolute! A deep thank you for sharing! Thank You and God Bless!

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Hi, you, I had the brown recluse encounter too but only suffered a day b4 getting to the hospital. It felt like someone hit my foot w/ a sledge hammer. Don't know how you went that long. They talked of cutting off toes. I was on my back w/ my foot in the air for 2 weeks, thankfully still have my toes. I hate spiders!!! If one comes around me it's dead. Hate what the Hoaxdemic as you call it did to so many. These bastards will pay for this , if not here on earth, when they meet our maker.

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Justice is coming 🦁🇺🇸 John 3:16 🙏 God bless

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And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Revelation 12:10‭-‬11

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Paul this is a beautiful story of your life and everything you went through made you who you are today. God is funny that way and He helps us to be who He wants us to be. Keep up the good fight. Stay Strong. WWG1WGA

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We are blussed to have you in this community and honored to follow your work

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The "swamp" got caught and nothing can stop what is coming. We are living in biblical times and justice is coming. In the end God wins 🦁🇺🇸 #MAGA

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