My only concern is the millions of single male illegals coming in (of which we have daily videos). Even with the entire military, police, sheriffs, CBP, ICE, etc. the US is woefully outnumbered when it comes to restraint and deportation.

Additionally, there are mounds of evidence that many illegals are shedding ids and tracking devices (phones) and getting new ones.

I don't buy the theory that they are coming here to get citizenship through military service - there are way too many.

Thanks for a great, thought-provoking post and God Bless!

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Any chance at least some of those young single male illegals are not what we are being told they are, or not what they seem? I heard speculation some months ago that some of them may actually be coming in across the border to fight on the side of the White Hats. I dismissed this at the time as a silly notion coming from a suspect source, but the possibility has stuck in my head. Fog of psychological war and all that. Up is down and in is out. Hard to know which is which, and disinformation and fake outs on both sides, by necessity.

Probably a crazy notion, but sometimes I wonder. FWIW

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I doubt that. We have also seen clips where some coming in have said to wait and see what they have planned. Others have said they plan to "take this stolen country back ". He was Hispanic, so....?

Why were they ever allowed in? Simply to win another election so they can "fundamentally change" US of America? The lefty loon regularly are shown saying yo their crowds "let us finish this".

I'm not convinced the Clinton housing debuckle wasn't part of the plan either. That put us back a few years

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Then we fight like the 3rd monkey getting on Noah’s Ark and brother, it’s starting to rain.

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my thoughts:

Sheriffs can deputize ex-military GCD and any others who can pass a low level test(s).

The govt. can recall ex-mil also, to help local PDs.

Rome was crippled when it offered citizenship through service. And changing their money/coinage from cheap bronze into gold/silver... but thats different.

I do not believe that they were allowed in for "the good of our nation". But instead, to show the wickedness of the globalist/rino/lib agendas and aide in waking people up eventually. the response to remove them will be massive.

last bit from me...

I would like to see a deal with South Africa, or Zimbabwe to take all those here illegally (regardless of home country) and put the world on notice.

I from LATAM, and illegal, you go to Africa. If from Africa, you go to Iraq. I from APAC, you go to Africa. something that shocks those mil aged men.

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Incredible analysis, Paul. This Fall has more than one meaning. God Bless and thanks for ALL you do!

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That was awesome Paul... Thank you. We listened to this while we ate dinner. My husband is slowly starting to believe in the Q operation and not think I'm nuts ;-)

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You sound like me. I have followed Q since April 2018, I listen to many podcasts and follow many rabbit holes. Hard to make my normie hubby understand.

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Brilliant Paul. May God bless you and keep you and family safe and sound brother

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I think you are right on Sir...Thsnk you for all your hard work

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When I was young, I was always right, or so I thought. Now, I have no clue.

It seems like there are a minimum of two plausible ways to look at everything. The CIA has been working hard to bring this about.

I did not know that Trump dissolved the Fed, or however you want to phrase it. Not exactly clear about what happened there.

For my part I have been expecting a financial crash since I looked into reserve banks 20 years ago. I bought gold 20 years ago. Not a lot, but it was pretty cheap.

The financial system shouldn't be saved, it should die a painful death, be buried, and ressurect as a gold/silver backed system.

I agree with Flynn. I've been saying for over a year that they can't have another election. Martial law is what I expect. So your black swan event seems likely. We have Lahaina, we have a genocide going on, we have a dearth of law and order in Dem cities, crime and inflation are rampant, illegals are pouring over borders, but they can't get a civil war going. It's going to take something really big.

(civil war movie clip) Don't states have the right to secede from the union? Was Lincoln a criminal?

I'm not convinced that nukes work as advertised. A dirty bomb would not suffice as a black swan event. Activating the illegals would. I don't think that would succeed.

Reading the points of sedition, as an insurrection has already occurred, is it not the stated duty (somewhere) of the American citizenry to remove an illegitimate government?

I'd like to believe in Q and Trump. But I don't believe in anything until I see it, and when I want to believe something I take that as a bad sign. There are at least two plausible ways to look at everything. I do hope you're right.

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I theorize they, Biden/UN, are planning to use the illegals for this black swan event as in uprisings, civil unrest and fear tactics.

2. They plan to use them as the scapegoat to usher in Ebola (Infowars - Colorado) and disease X to cover their mass depopulation of said illegals, as well as America

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How come no one ever mentions Flynn for VP? He knows where the bodies are buried. He knows what Trump knows. Like Eisenhower following WWII.

Just a terrific article Paul. Thanks for this.

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Terrific article! I can't help but share it to everyone I know!

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That is very well thought out idea. I pray you are correct. If this has been a big scam to get the people to not take things into own own hands. My only concern is the Bible tells us that the devil will be someone that the people love and would follow. Don't get mad everyone just spit balling here I back Trump too. But could that not fit Trump . God Help us all regardless

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Been thinking the very same thing.

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And that would be Obama. He still is roundly loved.

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Excellent substack Paul......thank you so much for this breakdown!

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Wow. This bears careful reading, and more than once through. Thank you!

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Wow, Paul this was a fantastic take. This is why I love us anons, we speculate and try to put the pieces of the puzzle together to make sense of the world around us. Excellent job, patriot.

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What a fantastic deep dive putting the drops and news together! Thank you so much. Your article helps to lift the spirits for the work we have yet to do in our local primary elections, boots on the ground as my late USA (ret) husband used to say. Thank you and all your like-minded Anons who follow this and using your God-given curiosity and talent to put it together. God bless you for your work for God and our Republique!

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Excellent work friend

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This is amazing stuff! I have been saying for weeks that Democrats will eventually demand mail-in voting only. I think that’s what the bomb threats on state capitols on 1/3/24 were about. They’re setting up the circumstances to claim that it is unsafe to go to a polling place. There is also video that was played on the Glenn Beck show yesterday of an illegal crossing the border and being interviewed. When asked why he was coming to America, he said “you’re too stupid to know why” and then said “but you will all know my name soon”. I do believe we are being invaded and it is very intentional on the part of democrats.

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