This rings true, however, it does not cover the FACT of how fake book censored everything, every one, everywhere, every question or opposing view of the Co Vide 19 era, whereby people were actually harmed mentally, physiologically, psychologically, physically and every other 'ly' out there. Millions of People died due to no Truth, Facts, Alternative Medicines, or Data coming out on the platform so widely used at the time.

Does he get off from THAT?

Or the entire censorship of the 2020 election interference in USA?

Or the 2019 and 2021 election interference in Canada?

Does Zuckercuck get a pass on those as well?

ALL THE MEMES - censored.

Anyone trying to get the truth out using humor - censored.

What about all the folks who live at the bottom of fake book in fakebook jail still going strong any which way they can to get the damn truth out there?

I am one of those folks. Been down there so long, got a comfy cot and even a coffee maker set up there. IF anyone EVER sees what is posted on the main feed, I am shocked to be honest. Still keep doin' it though, IN CASE someone sees it and it resonates. Not all have found Rumble, X, Telegram or Truth.

WHY am I still on it?

The Groups.

MUCHO MUCHLY has been shared from the Truther channels, Anons, and actual FACT checkers in the Groups, which then gets shared to other Groups and/or in conversations.

Where there's a Will, there's a Way.

I figured if it has any semblance whatsoever to a town square, by gosh and by golly, I was gonna USE it!

And did.

And still do.

Zuckercuck and Twinkie Trudoh can kiss my CanaMAGAdonian FIERCE LIONESS Paw of Claws.

Up close and personal like.

Far as I'm concerned, ALL Jackasses have to be held accountable for their part in the massive cover-ups of ALL things inhumane that have happened since at bare minimum, 1931.

When 17+ said, "No One Escapes," I believed it.

I still do!

*Tips hat

Much Love

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And all the money he donated to BIden who he now is saying forced him to censor. What a piece of lying shit. He is pure evil. He's part of the psyops that pushed injec shuns on millions of people. If it's even Zuck, his excuses are meaningless. He's already done so much damage. I got cancelled so many times before 2020 just posting health info. Screw him.

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ZuckerCuck! I love it!

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Does this make him a cuck zucker?

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This makes perfect sense- now. The Chess Game.

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I hope this is true!!!

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Brilliant! And even the reporting of the MSM about Zuck made it quite clear what the message was! As Trump keeps telling us, the Golden Age has returned! And I might add that was what they termed the age when Queen Mary's faith, imprisonment & fruit was rewarded by the crowning of her rightful heir James, who then first translated the Bible into English, & knowledge & learning & Art was restored to supremacy after the suppression of the dark ages.

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I’m going off this topic-to the funeral. I’m no body language expert, but I’m not bad at it either. So I’d like to pose this “reading” if you will. In the interview between Trump and Doocy, Trump said they all met in a room before going into the church. Nothing is said about whatever was said in that room. But knowing Trumps demeanor, I think he told them all what to expect when he takes his rightful place in the White House. Look at these guys. Bush gives Obama the belly bump, as if to say “good job defending us all and/or go get him.” Then he sits looking like he’s seen a ghost throughout the service. Hillary looks like she’s been crying… and I don’t think it was over Carters death. Trump and Obama are talking trying to look pleasant, but you can see the tension. Melania looks like there was enough said in the room, and this discussion is over. Biden didn’t hear it and fell asleep. But look at Kamala as she enters! She has a “who does he think he is?” look on her face, and looks over her shoulder at Obama and Trump, like “seriously?” Then looks forward with her husband who’s like “let’s get this over with and get out of here before she does or says something stupid”. She looked very offended. Then, Trump and Obama exit differently than the others … because clearly, whatever was said in that room made him upset.

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Well said!

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